[PAST EVENT] Asian American Plural: The Three Continents of Abeer Hoque's "Olive Witch" (Asian Centennial Event)

April 15, 2021
9:30am - 10:45am
Digital Streaming
Access & Features
  • Open to the public
  • Paid event
  • Registration/RSVP
  • Ticketed event
Organized by the program in Asian and Pacific Islander American Studies, this event is part pf a series held in commemoration of Chen Pu-Kao's enrollment in 1921 as W&M's first Asian descent student.
Organized by the program in Asian and Pacific Islander American Studies, this event is part pf a series held in commemoration of Chen Pu-Kao's enrollment in 1921 as W&M's first Asian descent student.

Abeer Hoque's books include a travel photography and poetry monograph, "The Long War Home" (2013, a linked collection of stories, poems, and photographs, "The Lovers and the Leavers" (2015), and a memoir, "Olive Witch" (2017). She has won fellowships from the NEA, NYFA, and the Fulbright Foundation, and holds BS and MA degrees from the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business, and an MFA in writing from the University of San Francisco.

Free admission to W&M faculty, staff and students.

General admission is $7.50 per event, and $20.00 for the Asian American Plural series pass featuring Alia Yunis (March 18), Paul Ocampo (March 30) and Abeer Hoque (April 15).

