Student Engagement & Leadership
[PAST EVENT] 18th Annual Graduate Research Symposium
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- Open to the public
The 18th Annual Graduate Research Symposium will be held March 15-16, 2019 at the Sadler Center. The Graduate Research Symposium is the only broadly themed, graduate student focused conference designed to bring together graduate students from differing areas of study and from all stages of the degree process. There will be 140 presenters who give talks and posters, including nearly 35 presenters from 14 visiting institutions including Brandeis University, Drew University, George Mason University, Georgetown University, University of Pennsylvania, University of Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth University, and Virginia Tech. Please join us Thursday night, March 14 at 6:30 pm for the Annual Raft Debate. The Research Symposium is free and open to the public. Registration and information table will be on the third floor in Chesapeake AB. Sponsored by the Office of Graduate Studies and Research, Office of the Provost and the A&S Graduate Student Association.
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