[PAST EVENT] Comparative Education: Stories from W&M International Students

April 16, 2014
3pm - 4pm
Reves Center for International Studies, Reves Room
200 S Boundary St
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
Tuan Vu '17 is an undergraduate majoring in neuroscience. He was born in Vietnam and was educated there until the end of middle school. Tuan moved to the United States in 2010.

Zara Sibtian is pursuing a M.Ed. in Educational Leadership. She is originally from Pakistan.

Natalie Dudnytska is pursuing a Ph.D. in Educational Policy, Planning, and Leadership - Gifted Education Administration. She is originally from Ukraine.

This lecture is organized by Charlie Gilmer '17 and is part of the Reves Hall Global Lectures. These lectures are informal discussions between featured speakers, students, professors and other guest speakers on global affairs. The lectures are free and open to the public.

Eva Wong