[PAST EVENT] Study Abroad Advanced Workshop - 201

September 6, 2017
Reves Center for International Studies, 2nd floor
200 S Boundary St
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
Study Abroad Workshop at GEO.
Study Abroad Workshop at GEO.

Study Abroad 201 Advanced Workshops are designed for students who have chosen a study abroad program and are in the process of applying. You will learn about:

  • Transfer credit 
  • Course approvals
  • Important Deadlines
  • Financial Aid and scholarships
  • Health Insurance
  • How to apply to W&M programs and register for non-W&M programs
  • Guidelines for visa requirements

The workshops are usually 30 minutes and you are welcome to stay afterward and chat with the Peer Advisor who can help you begin your search for the perfect study abroad experience.

Workshops are held Monday-Friday throughout the semester. The complete schedule is on the GEO website.