[PAST EVENT] How to Push Through to Pull an All-Nighter: Finally Preparing for Finals

April 16, 2014
6:30pm - 7:45pm
Tucker Hall, 127A
350 James Blair Dr
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
With final exams and graduation just days away, you still have time to let your mind and body get you through this!

Please answer this following exam questions:

7-9 hours of rest, or 7-9 hours of study: which is best?

How do you fight fatigue with food and without caffeine - and without somebody else's prescription meds?

What are the three of the best shots with which to celebrate the Last Day of Classes - i.e., the three that won't leave you with a hangover?

Finallly, please write an essay on how one can go "Swemming" without drowning in whirlpools of worry.

With former champion Swemmer Eric Garrison to guide this discussion, you can learn valuable tips on honing your focus, strengthening your memory, managing your remaining time this semester, and reducing your stress to healthier levels.

So...exams with stress or without - the choice is yours!

Eric Garrison at 757.221.7369