[PAST EVENT] HOPE Presents: A Mindfulness Nature Walk

April 28, 2015
5pm - 6:15pm
Alan B. Miller Hall (Business School), Out front (please be prompt)
101 Ukrop Way
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
Come and experience positivity through participating in A Mindfulness Nature Walk. Assistant Director of Health Promotion Eric Garrison will guide students through the beautiful Matoaka Trails while encouraging inner peace and consciousness. We hope that you can join us in front of Miller Hall (W&M School of Business) at 4:59 PM, so that we can help you restore or rejoice!

NB: Please wear comfortable clothing (for the night air) and shoes. If you can leave cell phones and other distractions behind, even better. Eric will have his car nearby, just for that purpose.

Please contact [[w|emgarrison, Eric Garrison]] for more information.